Plug your own parser

You can register your own parser to be executed at runtime with $parser->registerParser($name, $callback[, $regexp]) in which:

  1. $name is the name you want to give to the parser.
  2. $callback is a callback that receives two arguments:
    1. The original text.
    2. An optional array containing the matches of a preg_match_all() call if a regexp was configured
  3. $regexp is an optional regular expression. If specified, the custom parser is only called if the original text matches the expression. Matches are passed as the callback's second argument.

Register a parser that is run every time

In this example, we create a tag called HASH that our custom parser will add at the start of the text. We add an attribute to that tag to store the MD5 hash for the original text.

// Create a new configuration and create a "HASH" tag with a "value" attribute
$configurator = new s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator;

// Get an instance of the parser and the renderer

// We register our custom parser at runtime
    function ($text, $matches) use ($parser)
        // Add a self-closing tag at position 0 of length 0
        $parser->addSelfClosingTag('HASH', 0, 0)
               ->setAttribute('value', md5($text));

$text = 'This is a text';
$xml  = $parser->parse($text);

echo $xml;
<r><HASH value="0cd0a3afe6daaa52baf1874d56764e79"/>This is a text</r>

Register a parser that is run if the text matches given regexp

In this example, we create a tag called HEART that our custom parser will use to replace the string <3 with a Unicode heart.

// Create a new configuration and create a "HEART" tag that's rendered as a Unicode character
$configurator = new s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator;
$configurator->tags->add('HEART')->template = '&#9829;';

// Get an instance of the parser and the renderer

// We register our custom parser at runtime
    function ($text, $matches) use ($parser)
        // Here, $matches will contain the result of the following instruction:
        // preg_match_all('(<3)', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)
        foreach ($matches as $match)
            // Let's create a self-closing tag around the match
            $parser->addSelfClosingTag('HEART', $match[0][1], 2);
    // Here we pass a regexp as the third argument to indicate that we only want to
    // run this parser if the text matches (<3)

$text = 'Less than three: <3 <3';
$xml  = $parser->parse($text);
$html = $renderer->render($xml);

echo "XML:  $xml\n";
echo "HTML: $html";
XML:  <r>Less than three: <HEART>&lt;3</HEART> <HEART>&lt;3</HEART></r>
HTML: Less than three: ♥ ♥